'Knowledge is a source of power' Greek philosopher

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Wednesday, 31 January 2018

My investigation project.

From September to October, I 've been researching and writing the project attached below for a special subject called 'Investigation'. It is in Spanish, but I encourage you to translate and read it because it's really interesting and I have worked hard to get the final project you have here:

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Anyway, I'll sum up my project to catch your attention: The urea that is extracted from the urine of astronauts in interspace travels is not recycled in any way in the ships. That's why, thinking about a hypothetical human civilization on another planet, the urea could be used in order to originate nitrates that plants would use to accelerate their growth, among other improvements that these compounds provide. Thus, through the advice of two experts in the field of chemistry, three possible reactions have been established for this purpose: a hydrolysis of the urea to generate ammonia that is oxidized to obtain the desired nitrates; the same reaction, but using an enzyme, the urease, which speeds up the first stage of the process; and an acid-base reaction. However, these last two have been discarded since they are unviable in terms of the resources available in a space shift.

Monday, 22 January 2018

My trip to Granadilla

Hellooo! Last October I had the pleasure of travelling to Granadilla, an abandoned village in Extremadura. As we had to do a project there, the teacher that came with us thought that we could play a game called Jugger, as well as spread it among the other students that we met in Granadilla, who came from Huelva and Almería. Jugger is a really interesting sport which is however barely known in Spain. Apart from playing Jugger, we have loads of fun due to tha different activites that were organised. The funniest one was the simulated wedding between me and a classmate, Santa. The idea was to recreate a wedding from the Middle ages, so we all put on a costume and went to the village church to make the marriage official, as it's shown below:

On the other hand, we helped as far as we could in every task of rehabilitation and maintenance of the village. For instance, we fixed some windows, fed and took care for the animals, helped in the kitchen and became real farmers. We learn a lot about how people used to live in these village 50 years ago, without Internet and some other XXI-century developments. Thanks to Granadilla and all its community for this awesome and unforgettable experience!

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Talking about myself and my view of the world

Today I'm quite philosophical, so I'm going to talk a bit about me and my view of the world. I hope you like it and share my ideas :)

My name is Alberto Nogueira. Im a student of 2nd Bachillerato in IES Mediterráneo, in Cartagena. I think I’m an interesting person, since the things I like are quite different to the other’s ones (something that makes me feel really proud, bacause it means I have my own personality, and that it isn’t influenced by anybody). I’m also very extroverted, due to I like making new friends wherever and whenever. Frankly, I consider my friends my second family, that people who’s not going to leave you, no matter what happens between us.

Well, as we’re talking in a philosophical way, let’s discuss this world, our world. From my point of view, there are several good and bad things related to our behaviour with each other in our society, but there’s one thing that annoys me the most: the kids’ attitude. I’ll explain myself. Nowadays parents spoil too much their children, and this way they will never learn to appreciate what they have. When I was in those ages, I didn’t have any mobile phone or electronic devices like the ones that everybody has in these days (or so it seems). And I’m also sure that they don’t know how difficult is to get enough money for bringing up your children.

So this is what really frightens about our future. It’s something that concerns all the citiziens of all the cities along the planet. If we continue in this way, in a few years everybody will be avaricious and selfish, and that’s a really really bad fact in a society, because nobody will help to the ones that need it, and only the richest and most poweful people will survive. In a nearly future (once I’m older than 18) I see myself helping in a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), such as ‘Médicos sin fronteras’, with my Scout group if it’s possible. Although I know it’s extremely difficult, I hope that this situation changes because if this doesn’t... In which world will we live in?

Friday, 12 January 2018

Hi again!

Hi everyone! I have returned to talk about how I am preparing and motivating myself to face the terrible EBAU, as well as to 'disconnect' from text books and relax myself. The EBAU is the exam we have to do in the end of 2nd Bachillerato to get into a university career. Depending on which career you want to study, the mark you have to get will be higher or lower, and it is obteined by calculating the mean of your mark in the different EBAU exams and your notes in Bachillerato. In my case , as I want to become a doctor, I have to get one of the highest marks. I can never relax!!!

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