'Knowledge is a source of power' Greek philosopher

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Friday, 28 February 2014


I met Laura when I was three, in our Primary School, `Beethoven´. She was always happy, it didn’t mind if we had twenty maths problems or three difficult exams next day. She was also really intelligent and really kind with everybody. She had a very interesting blog, called `La caja naranja´, in which she tells  us what happened in the hospital and her personal experiences.  She was friend of all of us in the class. She was also good at P.E. , what is something strange in people who is good in class, not outside. It was almost impossible to catch up her when she started running. In general, she was a really good friend who had(more or less) the same likes as me.

She was born in Cartagena, on the 26th August, and she grew up there too. But when she was ten, she fell in a terrible illness and after a year, she came back to school, on Carnival day. I remember she was wearing an indian costume. The next year she came to our high school IES Mediterraneo School with all of us,  Those months were wonderful, but in February  2013, she fell ill again, and this was the definitive one. And although she isn’t with us physically, she is now in the class, having notes about what we have learnt , because she was looking forward to stay in class again. We will never forget you, Laura!!!!

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