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Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Roverway 2018

This weekend I went to Murcia in order to participate in a scout event to prepare ourselves for a bigger scout event: the Roverway. This is a meeting of scouts who are between 16-20 years old no matter their country. It helds every 2 years always in July, and this year it takes place in the Netherlands near of Amsterdam from 23rd July to 2nd August. So this weekend (17-18) the idea was to meet everybody together so we could know who are we travelling with, since from my scout group, for instance, there are only 7 of us, whereas more than 50 scouts in Murcia are participating in the Roverway. Besides, during the camp we will be organised in patrols (in my case platypus), which will be mixed with international patrols, so we are going to sleep and share experiences with, for example, british or weedish scouts!

This year Roverway's slogan is 'Opposites attract' (as it's shown below) because the idea is to join people from different countries all around Europe who are going to be pretty different among themselves. Take into account that Irish scouts will meet Turkish ones, and their respective culture is really different. The event will be organised in 2 parts: the first one is called 'paths' and it lasts the first 4 days of the Roverway. Every patrol is going to do a path or route with international patrols to discover the Netherlands and do some exercise as well as interesting activities. The path is previouly chosen by the patrols, and I'll tell you our favourite one so you can imagine who are more or less these paths. So we have decided to do a path called 'Pride in the south' where we are going to walk through the hills in the south of the Netherlands, play laser tag in the middle of the forest, explore some caverns, visit Maastritch and make rafting in a river. I'm reeeaaally looking forward to finishing the EBAU so I can live all these experiences!

Resultado de imagen de roverway 2018

If you want to know more about this awesome event, click here to get redirected to the official website.

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