Today is the night of the 'Encuentro'! I'm really excited because this is one of the most wonderful nights in Cartagena of the whole year. As you know, we are in Holy week, a festivity whose purpose is to recreate scenes of Jesus' life in a parades called 'Procesiones'. So tonight's parade is specially beautiful, since three different parades meet at a big square in Cartagena in order to sing a Salmo to the Virgin. The coordination must be extremely high, and lots of people participate in the event to make it unforgettable, despite being held each year. I'm not a believer (I think God does not exist), but in any case I always get excited when the parades arrive and everybody is in silence to listen to the Salve. It's an experience I recommend you all!
Here I attach some pictures, so that you can imagine how amasinz this event could be. These pictures weren't taken by me, due to I always arrive a little bit late and I haven't got a good place to record it. There's a huge amount of people who is expecting to watch the Christ!

Here you have a Web URL too. It belongs to the catholical organisation which is in charge to organise the whole event. It also takes part in the other 'Procesiones' that set up the Holy Week in Cartagena. This organisation is called 'Cofradía Marraja':
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