'Knowledge is a source of power' Greek philosopher

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Sunday, 18 March 2018


As I'm studying ITC (Informatic Technologies of Communication) I had to design a trip to Prague and draw a map of any other trip by using a tool offered by google maps (My Maps). So I decided to upload both projects here so that if anyone is interested to travel with me, you just have to contact me. 😏 I shall remind you that at the botton-right of this blog you can find my Twitter account as well as my google+ account. Don't be scared, I do not bite!

First of all you have the Prague trip. It is finished and it contains its budget and the appartment where you could sleep. Everything is thought!

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On the other hand, you have here a map drawn with My Maps and you have the information for a trip through Italy. The idea is to land on Rome and take off in Bolonia, and in the meantime visit the most important cities of the country: Rome, Florence, Verona and Venice. You don't have information about the accommodation and prices, but at least you can know where is everything. You can find this map by clicking here.

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